ECUA’s plan to keep recycling on base

  • June 2, 2014
  • /   Shannon Nickinson
  • /   video

Since West Florida Recycling closed, the only people truly recycling in the area have been ECUA customers.

ECUA approved a two-year contract with a company that operates a plant in Montgomery that could be the short-term solution folks around here have been looking for. City of Pensacola officials are in talks with Infinitus Energy, which runs the Montgomery plant, as well. Santa Rosa County officials have two RFPs to consider for recycling service, including one from the ECUA.

Amanda Handrahan is the director of the ECUA’s recycling program. In this episode, she helps sort out how Escambia County got to this recycling quandary and she talks about the hopes for a long-term—local—solution to the matter of who can process our recycling.

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