A sign of the times, Century considers changes

  • December 30, 2014
  • /   Mollye Barrows
  • /   community-dashboard
The mayor of Century says the sign that welcomes people to his town needs to change. The current sign is a sawmill blade, a nod to the lumber industry that gave the town its name and existence. It reads: The Dawn of a New Century. Changing that slogan is up for discussion, too. “We need to drop the saw mill part,” said Mayor Freddie McCall. “I’ve been raked over the coals about that because the sawmill is dead and gone.” The change is one of many recommended by those helping to implement Century’s new economic development plan. The University of West Florida’s Haas Center for Business Research and Economic Development helped create it, after a comprehensive study of the area’s strengths and weaknesses. Town leaders not only are adopting new economic and business initiatives, but also they’re considering other recommendations, including changing the welcome signs and renaming the “Habitat for Opportunity” building to the “Century Business Center.” “In this new plan we’re pushing, we want to put some businesses in there,” McCall said. The Habitat for Opportunity building is an old middle school on Pond Street that was refurbished in recent years to operate as a business incubator. There are a number of buildings on the property, but they sit empty. “We’d like it to be a one-stop center, so our people can come to one place to get things done and it will help start-up businesses,” McCall said. [caption id="attachment_13723" align="alignright" width="300"]Century signs-5 Town leaders consider changing the name of the "Habitat for Opportunity" building on Pond St., to the "Century Business Center." (Michael Spooneybarger/ Pensacola Today)[/caption] The plan is to offer reduced rent and other incentives to attract business owners who not only want to grow, but also offer services that residents need. “We don’t have a certified electrician in Century,” said McCall. “We don’t have a licensed plumber in Century. Our people usually hire contractors out of Pensacola.” McCall said they would also welcome a law firm to “help poor people with their paperwork.” The mayor said the idea is to have several different businesses operate out of the Century Business Center throughout the week, so residents can reap the benefit of having services close to home and support local business. The winner of the Century Business Challenge would also get space at the center. Quint and Rishy Studer are donating $25,000 for a business plan competition to help promote entrepreneurship and job creation in Century. More details of the challenge are expected in January, but McCall believes this is the beginning of new life for his town. “What Mr. Studer’s doing will be a big plus. Hopefully the winner will move in soon and eventually move out to the Century Industrial Park,” McCall said. “That’s what we’d like to see with the start-up businesses at the center.” McCall says they also want to move the town’s new economic development coordinator into the facility, as well as hire someone one to run it. In the meantime, it’s likely the sawmill blade welcome sign will find a new home at the town museum. As for Century's slogan, McCall said they're considering other options like, "Western Gate to the Sunshine State." The town council will discuss the sign and name change proposals at their next meeting at 7 p.m. on January 5 at Century City Hall.  
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